
                                             about me


what makes me sad:

losing in a game in 2nd place

getting accused of some thing I didn't do

when my dogs get hurt 

things that makes me happy : 


 my family

 my dogs

who loves me:

my mom

my dad

my grandparents

my cousins

my aunts and uncles

auditory: 40%

visual: 30%

tactile: 30%

I do not agree that I work better by hearing.

Extroverted: 57%

Introverted: 43%.                 I agree because I talk way too much

Judging: 47%

Perceiving: 53% I'm flexibly focus

I do not agree that i'm always focused

I'm feeler  i agree because I help others

sensing: 45%

intuitive: 55%

 i agree because i am vary creative and use my imagination

who makes me feel better: logan

so i was sad because somebody accused me of some thing that i didn't do and then when we got back to class logan gave me a pencil and it made me feel better 

who makes me laugh:

my dogs 

so one time both of my dogs were sleeping then one of them started to growl and bark in their dreams

what makes my feel safe

 my dogs

 my dad

 my house

 my mom